
A groundbreaking animated classic that launched one of the most successful franchises of all time, the enchanted journey of Shrek, Donkey, and Princess Fiona remains as beloved as ever. Join the lovable ogre and his hilarious sidekick on an epic adventure to rescue the fair maiden from a dragon-guarded tower in an adventure filled with unforgettable characters, witty humour, and heartwarming moments.AnimationPT1H30MPG2024-09-07
Mike Myers
Eddie Murphy
Cameron Diaz
John Lithgow
Vincent Cassel
Jim Cummings
Chris Miller
Vicky Jenson
Andrew Adamson
Aron Warner
Jeffrey Katzenberg
John H. Williams


September 7, 12:30 pm

September 9, 10:30 am

September 11, 10:10 am

September 12, 4:10 pm

September 13, 12:50 pm

Dendy Coorparoo